this album is single-handedly getting me through my workday today— super weird tunes but amazing!
basically three very talented guys got together in the studio and say “no idea is a bad idea let’s just see what happens” and the result is incredible. a combo of instruments and a lot of electronic production that moves it into a different realm
give it a shot!
this is one of the most insane beats i've ever heard. probably more boundary pushing than most "experimental music" now. shit will get you dancing and jumping in all sorts of ways.
If you also felt like you're supposed to be into Talking Heads but never found your way there on your own, this is the way.
Went to the cinema to see the newly released A24 remaster, just a delightful time.
Bill Murray is so good at being annoying and Richard Dreyfuss is equally good (maybe even better?) at being annoyed. I still think about this movie regularly.