the more you do the stuff you want do the more you’ll realise nobody around actually cares. i think that realisation is very freeing

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maybe that sounds a little annoying, but i used to wait around for a surge of manic energy to hit me in order to find the motivation to get out of bed and do things. these days, i try to remind myself that i matter, and if i care about myself then i should do things for my mind and body that are fulfilling. this isn’t perfect, and there are definitely still bad days. but you owe it to yourself to try, i hope things get easier :)
May 6, 2024
Literally asking myself the question, what do I WANT to do? Sort of stressful if you ask me.. My internal monologue is begging me to ask 'But what do YOU want to do'.. Alexa play "Let's Talk About Me" by the Alan Parsons Project!
Jan 25, 2024
I think continually asking why you want something can help with this. When you do, you may realize the ”it” you want is rooted in other people: how they’ll perceive you, if you’ll be accepted by them, etc. The older I’ve gotten I’ve been better at untangling some of my desires from the ego and I think it has lead to better self-satisfaction of where I am at and where I am going. it’s also allowed me to ”let go” of some dreams. That’s sounds negative or sad but I don’t mean it so: sometimes you white-knuckle-grip an idea of yourself so hard that it destroys you! I think ”letting go” doesn’t mean things won’t happen, it means they don’t have to and that pressure alleviation can make all the difference. That’s not to say to never let the drive of the ego take over…I’m not sure we would create art/great things without it. I guess what I’m saying is that knowing the root of our desires is a key to balance and self-assuredness.
Feb 18, 2025

Top Recs from @shegoestoanotherschool

leaves you susceptible to dating someone for too long because they play a role rather than it being about who they are. if you go in open to every situation, it will play out as its supposed to naturally (sometimes with a little nudge)
literally every single series has been great so far except BOS/MIA & CLE/ORL. we really in for a treat
go drink some right now it’s good for your body and skin and has magical healing properties when consumed at the right times. currently it’s helping me beat a hangover