Video games have really interesting and cool stories and fun ways of telling them. When I was a kid I wasn’t very good at video games but my older brother was. I remember how fun it was just to sit and watch him barrel through levels. When he left I missed doing that so I tried to watch let’s plays on youtube, but they just weren’t really for me. Even as a kid I just didn’t really love the constant like screaming and stuff that they tend to do while playing, there were some guys who didn’t talk a lot or yell while they played but not a lot, so over the years this was something I just never did anymore. But recently I’ve found there has been a spike in comepletely silent playthroughs getting uploaded and I love to watch them, they’re like oddly paced movies with tons of action. The ones I’ve been really into watching lately are the SilentHill and Psychonaut games it’s a lot of fun and really nostalgic so check ‘em out
(also the soundtracks always go hard asl)