i like carrying a digital camera whenever i go out because 1) it's so handy, like you can just put it in your pocket, 2) you get to have this vibe on your photos in an instant, and 3) there's this delightful, brief moment of waiting before you can post the photos you took, unlike being able to immediately access your phone's photos on insta for example. the process is just great, much like taking photos on film (but that's another rec)
Apr 17, 2024

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not even trying to be pretentious (long time readers will remember this one !) i just think it’s nice take silly sweet photos of my friends on a camera that may be fuzzy but captures my love for them and the joy of the situation much more than a hdr corrected iphone photo does. plugging the memory card into a reader into an adaptor into my laptop and receiving the photos give me the feeling of yes ! i am a university student ! and not an oh god ! i have so much debt ! i love my friends (see previous pi.fyis)
May 17, 2024
recommendation image
There’s something about the quality of digital camera photos that make a picture of anything you take look more pleasing (to me anyway). The nostalgia, the saturation, I love them. I have a couple cameras that still work from when I was a kid, but I also bought one on eBay that was similar to one that used to be a favorite of mine. I just throw it in my purse and take it everywhere, and it’s so much more fun than trying to get the “perfect shot,” especially now that I’ve deleted Meta and gone with Pixelfed it seems that people love posting anything from the little things they see or their drinks. It’s making photo sharing fun again! Although, if you do download Pixelfed (which isn’t the point of this post but) I highly recommend using it in your browser on your phone for now, they’ve already made things run smoother from when I first downloaded but they’re definitely still working on the app.
Jan 20, 2025
feel like phone photos feel so much less permanent than film or digicam, it almost orients photography to be a functional medium instead of an artistic one... my camera roll is mostly just photos of stuff i want to remember to buy, or text message attachments. if that's how your brain is conditioned to think about photography, muscle memory for photographing stuff that feels more... photo-worthy will atrophy i used to carry both a polaroid + 35mm camera with me every time i left the house but found myself struggling to actually use them for this reason; occasionally inspiration strikes when you see cool shit in your city or a beautiful sunset or whatever, but serendipity is notoriously unreliable i think that having a list of things you can condition yourself to photograph / be on the lookout for as you're out and about, like friends, landscapes, skylines, interiors, etc. has been a lot more helpful for me. go out with the express intention to photograph <thing> a couple of times. then, start bringing a small portable camera with you when you leave, and the cue-craving-action-reward cycle will eventually take over and you'll have more photos that feel special and worth showing to others
Feb 1, 2025

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i've always kept receipts, packaging, tickets, and other similar things in a box. for memories and other stuff like that. most of the time, its tucked away in some corner of my closet. recently, a friend recommended to me that i should start a junk journal, and i did, and i think i've found a different way to perceive all of the different printed papers i have with me. the pieces of junk have found a soul.
Nov 19, 2024
actually saw it twice in cinemas because i just had this urge to see it again, and good god. everything was just.. terrific. from the cinematography to the sound design. i also didn't expect the soundtrack to work over some of the dialogue, but it did. how amazing. so electric. hot. fun. toxic. definitely a film i'll be coming back to from time to time. it lingers in all ways.. it's actually an experience (also tashi and art's scene with pecado playing in the background.. that moment i knew it was so over for me)
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