i've always kept receipts, packaging, tickets, and other similar things in a box. for memories and other stuff like that. most of the time, its tucked away in some corner of my closet. recently, a friend recommended to me that i should start a junk journal, and i did, and i think i've found a different way to perceive all of the different printed papers i have with me. the pieces of junk have found a soul.
Nov 19, 2024

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i like the concept of ā€œjunk journalingā€, it really helps me to fill the empty spaces! keep receipts, cute packaging from food, interesting looking tags etc. itā€™s a nice way to casually scrapbook and keep mementos of otherwise mundane days
Apr 18, 2024
These past few days, Iā€™ve been having a knack of writing out my feelings, experiences and just little random thoughts that would appear in my head from time to time. However, Iā€™ve been wanting to amp it up and really improve my journaling life. I stumbled across junk journling. Iā€™d see people collect the randomest of things, from receipts to bottle caps, to even clothing tags; which in my head, it just looked like junk to me. However, the end result of these junk entries always turned out to be so beautifully put together. It gave the journal personality, and even made the journal entries look more raw. I was in awe. I have not started yet, but iā€™ve already been collecting some things such as train tickets, reciepts, sticker, and postcard. I didnā€™t realize how many creative entries can be used with such things. Hello? Itā€™s even more environmentally friendly. Things that one would just throw away after one use, can be reused and collected as a memento. I canā€™t wait to partake in this activity, and iā€™ll probably start posting it on here too.
Jan 30, 2025
Specifically in the format of my junk journal; but i also got on substack recently and have a normal journal & writing has been such a fulfilling hobby/practice. i also have been hoarding ephemera for the last 10 yrs , so junk journalling has been a perfect way to save my scraps in a meaningful way instead of keeping them all in a box that gives me anxiety :^)
Jan 29, 2025

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i like carrying a digital camera whenever i go out because 1) it's so handy, like you can just put it in your pocket, 2) you get to have this vibe on your photos in an instant, and 3) there's this delightful, brief moment of waiting before you can post the photos you took, unlike being able to immediately access your phone's photos on insta for example. the process is just great, much like taking photos on film (but that's another rec)
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actually saw it twice in cinemas because i just had this urge to see it again, and good god. everything was just.. terrific. from the cinematography to the sound design. i also didn't expect the soundtrack to work over some of the dialogue, but it did. how amazing. so electric. hot. fun. toxic. definitely a film i'll be coming back to from time to time. it lingers in all ways.. it's actually an experience (also tashi and art's scene with pecado playing in the background.. that moment i knew it was so over for me)
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