i went on a friend date to an aquarium recently and it was genuinely such fun and everything was so pretty! the ethics side of it makes me really sad though, especially the penguins that they had, they just stared at people through the window and i could’ve cried:(

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They are so fucking cool like do you know how hard it is to see a nautilus in real life it's really fucking hard* and meanwhile you can just go to the aquarium to hang out with one. Excellent *they only surface for a little while in the super early morning and not even close to shore, at least not when I tried and failed to meet one. I was so sleepy in that tiny rubber boat it was 5am and the nautiluses didnt even show up
Apr 17, 2024

Top Recs from @smalldogbigfeelings

as i’m moving through life and moving through different relationships i’ve realised that i really just crave meaningful connection. no matter under what label or circumstance i meet someone, i want to feel like i matter. i feel, sometimes, so hopeless in this goal of making meaningful connections bc so many people that ive been friends with have turned out to be worse people than i thought them to be. whether its them changing into someone i don’t recognise, or showing true colours when we discuss values, i just am at a point where i really struggle to form relationships. but theres a few people in my life who i just have to think about and immediately my mind lights up! i find that i can have a bit of an all or nothing attitude. that is, i had a shit day therefore i’ve always had shit days and will forever have shit days, or like now, i struggle making meaningful connections therefore none of my connections have been, are, or will ever be meaningful maybe it’s just past 9pm and i should go sleep…
i’ve thought about this a lot and i think the easiest way to meet new people organically is to join communities or become a regular somewhere! i have yet to achieve this myself so i can’t give any significant advice but fingers crossed for both of us!!
are people jumping on a depression trend, or have we created such a harsh environment for people to live in and navigate that they seek relief from media to cope with issues they have no power over?