as iā€™m moving through life and moving through different relationships iā€™ve realised that i really just crave meaningful connection. no matter under what label or circumstance i meet someone, i want to feel like i matter. i feel, sometimes, so hopeless in this goal of making meaningful connections bc so many people that ive been friends with have turned out to be worse people than i thought them to be. whether its them changing into someone i donā€™t recognise, or showing true colours when we discuss values, i just am at a point where i really struggle to form relationships. but theres a few people in my life who i just have to think about and immediately my mind lights up! i find that i can have a bit of an all or nothing attitude. that is, i had a shit day therefore iā€™ve always had shit days and will forever have shit days, or like now, i struggle making meaningful connections therefore none of my connections have been, are, or will ever be meaningful maybe itā€™s just past 9pm and i should go sleepā€¦

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Something to think about is why you might not feel a deep connection to anyone. For me, itā€™s because I donā€™t do enough to meet new people and because I donā€™t feel comfortable sharing with people I do know. I make a lot of jokes and keep things on a surface level. And of course there are psychological reasons for that. Does everything have to be meaningful? Not at all! I think there are a lot of posts here about deep, meaningful feelings, but those posts arenā€™t so different from people staging photos and using filters on instagram. people choose how they want to present themselves on the internet. I, for one, wouldnā€™t tell anyone in person the things Iā€™m writing to you! So donā€™t compare yourself to others, especially online representations of others! But, do try to meet new people and do things you enjoy. You only can find ā€œyour peopleā€ if you actively look for them.
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Top Recs from @smalldogbigfeelings

iā€™ve thought about this a lot and i think the easiest way to meet new people organically is to join communities or become a regular somewhere! i have yet to achieve this myself so i canā€™t give any significant advice but fingers crossed for both of us!!
are people jumping on a depression trend, or have we created such a harsh environment for people to live in and navigate that they seek relief from media to cope with issues they have no power over?
as much as i hate this answer, going outside and strolling around always makes me feel better! if i canā€™t do that opening a window and getting some light in is also a good help!