i cold call all day. hearing weird / interesting voicemail greetings instead of the robot is so refreshing - someone sang their voicemail intro . one guy was like ā€œpress 6 then press 5 and then turn around and touch your noseā€ one girl did a dominitrix voice and was like ā€œdonā€™t even THINK about leaving me a voicemailā€¦ simply text meā€¦ā€ so wonderful when ppl get creative w the mundane things in life
Apr 18, 2024

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whether itā€™s sincere, abrupt, funny, rude, informative, or weird, make sure theyā€™ll call again soon
Feb 8, 2024
Lost art. I respect people that can leave a voicemail, most people just keep calling you back (most people donā€™t even make phone calls anymore WILD) but the ones that leave a voicemail, be it with an annoyed tone or sweet sincere elegance, I appreciate yall man. Iā€™ll hit you back later in the meantime, thank you for caring enough.
Sep 19, 2024
Great, actually. Lil mini chance to be spontaneous and vulnerable with people you care about. Forces my brain to freeze & flow at the same time. conversely, I get to collect tiny aural glimpses of where people are at on every level.
Feb 13, 2024

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listen, walks rock. and i donā€™t care if you are on your smart phone or your little walkman doing your hot girl walk. i think itā€™s sometimes beautiful and really relaxing to do half of my walks with no music and my phone put away. i tend to notice people more.. their weird annoying mannerisms.. i find more buildings and flowers beautiful and iā€™m reminded for better or worse iā€™m not the only one on this earth !
Apr 14, 2024
iā€™m thinking of all those videos on tiktok where someone asks a restaurant owner for food ā€œbut i have no moneyā€ and then BAM ā€œactually i do have money and here is $1000ā€ in suchhhh a good person. i just saw a girl in manhattan with a ā€œfree helpā€ poster sign and my first thought was ā€œoh god where is the cameraā€ and lo and behold there was a full camera crew hiding behind her. do good things for people ! buy that drink on your tab and donā€™t tell anyone about it. just be nice in silence !
May 2, 2024
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!!! i am so sick of spotify rn. i donā€™t know if iā€™ll ever leave spotify - but i feel like, itā€™s almost impossible for me to discover new music. i could create a classical flute playlist and spotify is like ā€œlets add charli xcx nextā€ - NTS radio has two djs spinning at all times. almost always itā€™s a hit very seldom is it a miss. sometimes iā€™m like yeahhh i donā€™t know if german hardcore rock at 9pm on a tuesday is a move. but itā€™s where ive found a lot of my recent music. i love this movement of getting away from AI suggestions and allowing humans to choose for me what to listen to
Apr 15, 2024