Always a hard recommend from me this one. I suggest not reading too much about it beforehand and stick with it for the first ep or so and the payoff is well worth it.
Go into this as blind as possible. im always trying to explain this film to people and I just can’t, it’s an experience. Try it out. Maybe you’ll hate it, but you’ll come out of it asking yourself what the hell did I just watch.
its the best way to consume media. DONT show me a trailer DONT let me read the flap on the inside of the novel DONT tell me there’s even an alien in it. Dont tell me what it’s about just be like “it’s good you should check it out”
A great Sean Baker movie that takes place on Christmas Eve in LA. All shot on an iPhone 5S and really shows what you can achieve with limited resources. Highly recommend all Sean Baker movies but this is a good place to start.