Want freshly baked cookies on demand? Next time you make cookies, double the recipe and freeze half — future you will thank past you!
Heres how i freeze my dough:
1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, then portion out each cookie as directed by your recipe. Fill the entire tray with dough balls and stick that sucker in the freezer for a couple of hours.
2. Once the dough balls are frozen, you can dump them all in a zip lock bag. Don’t forget to write the bake time and temp on it! We’re making this as easy as possible for cookie deprived you of the future.
3. Profit! You now have warm cookies any time, any day! You don’t even need to defrost the dough, just stick those frozen baddies right on a lined baking sheet and toss in your preheated oven. You might need to add a few extra minutes to the bake time but they’ll come out perfectly I promise!