Fates & Furies - Lauren Groff, liked this a lot
The Fourth Wing series - fantasy has made it possible for me to get back to reading in the way that I used to when I was a kid. Just absolutely mainlining books. And it kinda makes me feel like a kid, too! But this series is FOR SURE not for children lol 👀
The Southern Reach trilogy - now a quartet! Next on my TBR is the new installment, Absolution. Really hoping for some answers but sheeesh this series is mysterious and gorgeous. Super weird science fiction.
Birnam Wood - I attempted to start this and didn’t like the first couple chapters. Has anyone read and can you tell me if it’s worth it?
Song of Achilles and Circe - stunning, gorgeous, obsessed, loved. I think I preferred Circe but SoA really had me sobbing lol.
The Shadow of What Was Lost - book 1 in a trilogy by James Islington. Picked it up because I loved The Will of the Many and the second isn’t out yet. I’d say not even close to as good as TWOTM but still an entertaining read. Will likely pick up the second from the library soon.