Their Spotify bio says "i was a victim of the bass" and that's a pretty apt description I've been waiting for someone to revive 2010 pop dubstep in a fresh way and it's even better than i imagined. Bassvictim's take on this bass-filled sound combines elements of today's neo electroclash with some weird swaggy lofi vocals, and... fuuuuck, it's so good. My favorites are the high energy tracks like Air on a G String, As Long As, I Like It (bass rmx), and L-ON-D-ON, but there are some moodier cuts in there if that's more your speed.
Apr 24, 2024

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okay update- im from vienna and seeing evanora unlimited tomorrow and bassvictim is performing at the event as well and i didnt know about them until yesterday this feels like fate
Apr 25, 2024
orchidlovr001 wow, that seems like a sick show.. enjoy!
Apr 25, 2024
WOW new fav
Apr 24, 2024
Ok this, as the kids say, fucks
Apr 24, 2024
thank you sm for sharing!!!! so so so so good wow!
Apr 24, 2024

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before Skrillex was the american dubstep poster boy but after his time as lead singer for pop-punk/emo/screamo band From First to Last, there was a brief period where these two parts of his musical influence coalesced into vocal driven emo dubstep fusion and it was SICK. none of it was ever officially released and it only existed as low quality MP3s he put up on his myspace back in the day. these pre-skrillex tracks became somewhat legendary in the skrillex fan community and high quality remakes and edits circulated for years in lieu of studio quality versions of the real ones. in this EP, underscores faithfully recreates songs from this era of the Skrillex fandom and pays homage to this little known but hugely influential part of Sonny Moore’s career. it’s actually insane how much these sound like the originals, down to the weird MP3 artifacts and synth growl sound design. the songs are great in a vacuum but if you don’t know the originals here they are for a side by side Lustbug Turmoil Oceans Father Said
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Kind of gives me the same feeling I got when I heard death grips for the first time and understood it. I love the fusion of genres here. This subgenre and style of music is slowly taking over everything I listen to, and I think it’s kind of blanketing everything in the brooklyn music scene. Maybe is just me. We’re in like the 4th? Revival of electroclash in the history of music, and certainly not the last. People can stay mad, but I love it.
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