I get so scared to post content in my own content on there for some reason. I only post on there to promote my designs or DJ gigs but like...... I wanna vomit at the thought of some random acquaintance from college seeing me post some graphic design work.
why am I like this????
also this is so this post is so tumblr emo high school text post coded
I don’t even care, I should probably delete instagram anyway but honestly it’s where I hoard my junk drawer of photos. I’ve got an emotional attachment and a need for attention. Do I embarrass myself through posts, yes but I feel free in doing so.
IG is so fucking boring these days. I've had enough. I post intimate and weirdly overthetop "poems" of sorts about the nitty gritty details of my life. I lose followers with every post and that gives me such a rush. Shake up that algorithm and let me know what's REALLY going on in your life!
posting has gotten scarier for some reason and having a finsta just takes away those nerves for me. i think with the commercialization of social media its hard to find authenticity online and i think having a private account brings that back even if its a little exclusive
if you grew up being a people pleaser like me, it can be so damn hard to set boundaries. but it was so great when I finally realized I simply didn’t have to say yes to everything/everyone.
it was wild. blew my mind. I highly recommend.
why would you doubt yourself when you know you’re that bitch (or whatever empowering term you prefer)
you know how many genuinely mediocre people went really far in life bc they had delusional self-belief? and you’re as dope as you are doubting yourself??? stop it!