Tinkerbell.com (Circa 2008)
Used to end up here trying to find Tinkerbell stuff (Pixie Hollow for those who know) online as a child. You need to wayback machine this. I have no idea what it was for but I loved the design so much that I still remember it. I think your cursor was a little sparkle too Lol. Very Heavens Gate
Super frilly Japanese clothing brand, not even my style but I love the way the site looks. Pleasing
Cat Marnell’s now defunct blogs. I don’t condone drug use. I think drugs are lame but these blogs are a great time capsule and are visually interesting. I used to love her amphetamine logic column for Vice mag and her book was also quite nice.
My favorite websites for last...
Carstuckgirls.com. Tagline is “Sexy girls get stuck with their cars in mud” Bizarre fetish site with no nudity to my knowledge, just pictures of girls w their cars stuck in mud snow etc. Lots of these pics used to circulate on Tumblr.
Changed my entire life. Found all my favorite reads here. I love Dennis Cooper. His PI recs would be so great… just had an idea…
Honorable mention:
Rookiemag.com (now archived)
Discovering Rookie Mag really impacted me as well. Learned so much on there as a middle school girl, felt like a new world. True tastemakers. My sisters boyfriend Fox…