Tinkerbell.com (Circa 2008) Used to end up here trying to find Tinkerbell stuff (Pixie Hollow for those who know) online as a child. You need to wayback machine this. I have no idea what it was for but I loved the design so much that I still remember it. I think your cursor was a little sparkle too Lol. Very Heavens Gate Jesusdiamante.com Super frilly Japanese clothing brand, not even my style but I love the way the site looks. Pleasing Bambidiaries.blogspot.com Howtomurderyourlife.blogspot.com Cat Marnell’s now defunct blogs. I don’t condone drug use. I think drugs are lame but these blogs are a great time capsule and are visually interesting. I used to love her amphetamine logic column for Vice mag and her book was also quite nice. My favorite websites for last... Carstuckgirls.com. Tagline is “Sexy girls get stuck with their cars in mud” Bizarre fetish site with no nudity to my knowledge, just pictures of girls w their cars stuck in mud snow etc. Lots of these pics used to circulate on Tumblr. Denniscooperblog.com Changed my entire life. Found all my favorite reads here. I love Dennis Cooper. His PI recs would be so great… just had an idea… Honorable mention: Rookiemag.com (now archived) Discovering Rookie Mag really impacted me as well. Learned so much on there as a middle school girl, felt like a new world. True tastemakers. My sisters boyfriend Fox…
Apr 25, 2024

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yesssss let's get dennis cooper on here
Apr 27, 2024

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neal.fun - a bunch of bizarre games/interactives with a dystopian and anti-caplitalist bent window-swap - shows you the view from random windows from around the world radio/garden - you can listen to live radio stations from all across the world ytch.xyz - show you random youtube channels and let's you click through like you're watching an old television marginalia-search - a search engine that isn't algorithmic, shows you niche search results that would typically be pushed to the bottom of other engines thecreativeindependent - articles by creatives, very simplified retro design that feels similar to this site The Magazine Rack at Archive.org - tons and tons of scanned and archived magazines spanning over 50 years - recommend checking out High Times very fun and oh so 70's
Jan 14, 2025
the old-fashioned way, like you would before the entire internet was monopolised into basically three conglomerates. why would you spend all your time on your computer swapping between instagram tiktok youtube pinterest when you could find some of the coolest websites you've never heard about learning information your algorithm would never feed to you!!!! a good place to start is your favourite artist's websites (not just musicians!) sometimes they have blogs (especially if they're writers) and often they link websites they like. I also like magazine websites - the face, angel food, hot literati or craigslist missed connections. I check the new york section all the time
Oct 8, 2024
Omg the nostalgia of this prompt 😭 • Excite • Americangirl.com (lol) • Neopets • Fanfiction.net (still there ✌🏻) • Livejournal, Xanga, MySpace • Yahoo! instant messenger • Teenspot (my go-to talk to strangers who probably weren’t teenagers site 😬) • Various proboards for all the fandoms I followed
Apr 11, 2024

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Like Bruce Springsteen
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When the bar or venue or whatever is underground and you have to descend into the place because you can say some shit like “We are entering the seedy underbelly of this wicked city” “You know,” *cig drag* “crime is only a left-handed form of human endeavor.” And then your friends can be like “Viv, you can’t smoke inside Dude also where the fuck did you find a pipe and a fedora What are you even saying” Giving you the opportunity to respond with a “Beat it toots, you’re too pretty for these streets anyhow” Then you remember your friend already offered to pay for the Uber XL home and you have like 11 bucks so you drop the bit but the sentiment is still there below the surface
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