i'm going thru a little bit of a time....so i'm having to be especially selective with what i say yes and no to. i truly love my work, but i am limited in my faculties right now and have had to turn down a few gig offers. it's really difficult to say no to things, especially for me when money is involved, but it's also the most important thing to do for my health at the moment. im also saying yes, to seeing my friends, to catching up over lunch, to a facetime hang, to making a nice meal for myself. taking lots of care and asking for support is a new muscle im learning to build up.
Apr 26, 2024

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Ok there has been a lot of saying yes content on here which I agree with and re-rec’d, but I want to acknowledge the power of declining the invite. I have a tendency to burn the candle on both ends and I have recently crashed, causing me to miss things I was looking forward to, which is a huge bummer. Even if you don’t burn out and get sick, you’re probably exhausted and not showing up as a person ready to engage and fully enjoy your time. So yes, say yes, show up, but also keep that batt above 40% and protect your health. Listen to Your Body.
May 9, 2024
Save ”yes” for what you excites you, interests you, or is at the very least within your capacity. Not every “yes” needs to be enthusiastic but it should be authentic. Some people have no trouble telling others “no” but it’s taken me a lot of practice. I’ve had to realize that my friends and family love me and value our relationship beyond any single request. Love isn’t transactional like this — or it shouldn’t be, at least. Anyone you can’t say ”no” to is a walking red flag.
Nov 29, 2024
i’ve been feeling kind of under the weather lately, but i committed myself to a lot of plans this weekend and coming week. yesterday, i had breakfast with a friend, hung out in boston for the day walking around, went to a halloween party, took the hour and a half train ride back home… and i was supposed to take the train back to boston this morning to volunteer and gallery-sit at a small, non-profit art gallery. i woke up at 7:30am feeling like my head was gonna explode and knew that i had to stay home. i had a really fun day yesterday and i’m not gonna sit here and regret that, but instead, i’m gonna be proud of myself for listening to my body today (and late last night when i got home) !!!! i have a busy week ahead with much anticipated concerts and new jobs starting, so taking it slow today is for the best <3
Oct 27, 2024

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