this book introduced me to the world of YA Fantasy with female protagonists, and life’s never been the same since
(technically I think I was 11 or 12 when I first read it, so pre-teen)
dunno how old i was and it obviously wasn’t the first time i’d read but i believe my brain turned on to make a memory of gleefully poring over a kid fantasy for a reason— stories opened the world for me even as a little’un
i’m starting a journey into fantasy with a revisit of a childhood favourite. the gorgeous cover art of which left a permanent gender impression on me as a youth in a way i couldn’t understand until much later.
i loved the world & the characters as a kid & so far i’ve been pleasantly surprised by the quality of the writing & how it all holds up on revisiting.
as well as the prequel Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon. One of the best fantasy series I've ever read. Such a well thought out world with a deep history and different nations with unique cultures that help drive the story in an interesting way. Plus women are the powerful main characters!! I just love it so so much!!
bc it’s what I originally wanted when I first went to college at 17 but I was scared to make writing my job and got a B.S. in Nutrition instead lol
Now the goal is an eventual PhD in Victorian Literature but I’m just happy to have made it through this part at 32!
Stacked is everything I read in my English courses—barely pictured are the 5 stuffed accordion folders of other reading materials under my chair haha