making it a point to set aside sundays for cleaning the whole house and doing all your self care is SOOOOOO nice. it’ll literally change your life. my sundays now feel like what i imagine christians feel like on sundays. i did all my dishes, tidied up all my messes from the week, grocery shopped, swept, mopped, vacuumed, did laundry, etc. and then took an everything shower, refreshed my hair dye, dermaplaned, dyed my eyebrows, painted my nails and toes, etc.
I FEEL SO NICE AND RELAXED!!!!! plus, since i make it a point to have no other plans on sundays, i did all this with time left over to chill out on my freshly vacuumed living room rug and do my diamond painting while watching youtube. this was literally the best life choice i’ve made this year and im gonna continue doing it every sunday possible, barring any important events like weddings, bday parties etc.