The incident didnā€™t happen until a few years after we graduated but it came to a surprise for a lot of us in our cohort because she was (imo) an average student that kept in the background and had no drama surrounding her at school. Anyways, her motive was to get inheritance from her mum and elope to Europe to be with her boyfriend. Never at the time wouldā€™ve thought that Iā€™d be in the same classroom as a future murderer.
Apr 28, 2024

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in retrospect this isnā€™t that big of a deal but i went to a very small boarding school of about 500 girls in a very small, conservative town where literally nothing happens and everyone knows everything about EVERYONE, so this was a big thing for US, but might not be for many. so there was this new girl that joined the school in grade 9, and she joined my homeroom class and was pretty nice. she was a little off beat, but for the most part everything seemed pretty okay and normal. we ironically started calling each other ā€œbest friendā€ until we eventually became friends. she was a big spender. sheā€™s buying at the tuckshop at break, after school, before school like every day. and mind you, we are boarders, most of us get a small allowance every month to go to town, to order food, buy essentials etc. i know the allowance of most people was not enough to buy from the tuckshop everyday. and i just thought damn, this girl must be rich rich. people quickly picked up on this though, and started asking her for money at the tuckshop. myself included. from grades 9-11 i used to be a tuckshop hustler (a damn good one at that!), like ask everyone for R2 until i had enough to buy a meal. but this girl would either just buy you the meal or just give out R10, R20, R50. and this id a lot of money! when business was slow iā€™d settle for a packet of chips and juice and that would come to about R8, the cheapest meal was a chip roll and that was about R13 and the most expensive was a wrap which was around R25 (if i remember correctly.) so sheā€™d just give out this money to MULTIPLE people throughout the day. i genuinely thought she was a BALLER! she had told me that she was switching schools, i donā€™t remember why, but she ended up leaving later that year. it was only AFTER she left that i heard that she used to steal peopleā€™s money. so in her hostel they used to have sleepovers on the weekends and every week it was a different room. she would (allegedly) go to these sleepovers and steal peopleā€™s money. i also found out that my class had chipped in money to buy me a gift, (birthdays were very big at our school and i had the first birthday in my class). turns out she stole it too! this is very underwhelming, but like just imagine this playing out like in an episode of derry girls yk
Apr 28, 2024
i went to an all-girls boarding school in western Massachusetts. almost got expelled, DID get suspended for some dumb, regular teenage shit that the faculty reacted to like i was an actual felon instead of a 15 yr old, formerly homeschooled goody-two-shoes. anyway, it recently came out that one of the history teachers that has been there for 30 years was grooming and SA'ing girls and the faculty had been covering it up. luckily i was never involved with him, never had a class with him, but its still weird knowing that he was a dorm parent and would do week-end nightly check-ins in the dorms, he lived at school with us practically, had a house directly next to campus, etc. i wasn't close with him but i KNEW him, he gave me bad vibes, and now 30 years later all his shit and the schools shit is getting aired out. feels good to be vindicated in my suspicions and the unfair treatment of students at that hellschool but my heart goes out to the many victims, named and unnamed, that he violated over the years.
I ended up going to high school on a scholarship so there's a lot of rich kid, scions of people who make all their money in tech nonsense I had to put up with, but I spent most of my days listening to obscure music and smoking a ton of weed. There was a girl who was infamously known for not being smart, but she also supplied all the booze at the parties so nobody ever brought it up. She got into USC, somehow, and everyone thought something was up but didn't say anything, since, booze at parties. Later, that Varsity Blues thing happened, and it turned out that her and her sister's parents were one of the highest spenders in gaming the system, so they ended up getting perp walked by the cops in front of the whole school, which really put into perspective the weird little world I happened to be adjacent to. Oh there was also a white kid (who was also student body president) who tried out a rap career, and the terrible track leaked and it spread all over, to the point of blaring it over the speakers at prom, I don't know if I have a copy but it was hysterical to hear in a fancy hotel ballroom.
Apr 27, 2024

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