My boyfriend - who's not a reader - bought it for himself but he haven't read it yet (Of course, because this shit is intense) But, that said: is fucking great lol Love me some essays and personal opinions well written, so this was right on my lane. I must say I havenโ€™t realized itโ€™s also a GREAT READ for times like now: religious tolerance is something weโ€™re fucking lacking as of now. So yeah, very short and tedious but a great read overall!!!
Apr 28, 2024

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dont really know the vibe of recommending one of the most famous books ever but! i do know how to make a case for this recommendation. despite being seminal and well known and influential i doubt many people have taken on the 750 page endeavour that is the second sex by simone de beauvoir. luckily, i have familiarity with long paged and long prosed odysseys and can say with (little, but mighty) experience that when you a read challenging literary text it eventually becomes- not challenging! and when you read a very long challenging literary text u might be a couple hudnred pages deep and only then start to get it. it's gratifying in that way. because u have spent time agonosing but you eventually learn that slow prose forces you to stop and think and process. so yes, feminism. many of us are accquainted with it but this is a medium which will make you meditate on it. truly, an elucidatory experience. even with 70 years and a bit of water between us i feel me and mrs de beavouir are tapping into the same wavelength. cus another thing abt these older books is they were really thinking! she was writing to the heart of life! and now no body write anything subsustantial about anything! so, study this study of the second sex- take a month or two. sit with it, read alognside it. muse and let the prose take u in - i truly implore u to.
Feb 26, 2025
Sep 4, 2024
Absurd and beautiful. I book about life, itโ€™s trials, and ultimate contentment in just tending your โ€œgardenโ€- taking care of what is around you.
Dec 3, 2024

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