dont really know the vibe of recommending one of the most famous books ever but! i do know how to make a case for this recommendation. despite being seminal and well known and influential i doubt many people have taken on the 750 page endeavour that is the second sex by simone de beauvoir. luckily, i have familiarity with long paged and long prosed odysseys and can say with (little, but mighty) experience that when you a read challenging literary text it eventually becomes- not challenging! and when you read a very long challenging literary text u might be a couple hudnred pages deep and only then start to get it. it's gratifying in that way. because u have spent time agonosing but you eventually learn that slow prose forces you to stop and think and process. so yes, feminism. many of us are accquainted with it but this is a medium which will make you meditate on it. truly, an elucidatory experience. even with 70 years and a bit of water between us i feel me and mrs de beavouir are tapping into the same wavelength. cus another thing abt these older books is they were really thinking! she was writing to the heart of life! and now no body write anything subsustantial about anything! so, study this study of the second sex- take a month or two. sit with it, read alognside it. muse and let the prose take u in - i truly implore u to.
Feb 26, 2025

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sheโ€™s been sitting pretty on my shelf for all this time,, it might be a sign to crack her open and give her a read
Feb 26, 2025
celine u should!! my copy sat lonely for like a year before i read it but its not as scary/ardous as i thought it'd be. it's not a narrative book so u can just read one of the chapters on lesbians/ girlhood/ history of women .
Feb 26, 2025
letsgetiton1223 oh that's wonderful news! you've made that brick of a book seem much less daunting
Feb 26, 2025

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by Simone de Beauvoir about to start it at least! any thoughts welcome ๐Ÿค—
Sep 26, 2024
My boyfriend - who's not a reader - bought it for himself but he haven't read it yet (Of course, because this shit is intense) But, that said: is fucking great lol Love me some essays and personal opinions well written, so this was right on my lane. I must say I havenโ€™t realized itโ€™s also a GREAT READ for times like now: religious tolerance is something weโ€™re fucking lacking as of now. So yeah, very short and tedious but a great read overall!!!
Apr 28, 2024
I want to thank Liv for giving me my favourite book. Clarice has been my favourite author since I was 14, reading what she writes always felt like reading my thoughts and beliefs about life on a page as if they had been scooped out of my brain and elegantly placed in a book. This is the only text I had never read and known to be her most regarded work The Passion According to G.H. takes the status of a masterpiece In the Brasilian Literature scenario. I wanted to make sure to read it when I felt ready, ready to say goodbye to Clarice, as I turned 21 one of my best friends gifted me this book and I knew it was time. The history is simple, a woman is cleaning her house, and she finds a drawing, a roach and God. From there Clarice takes your hand and leads you into the journey of finding meaning. According to Aristotle, the end of all human actions resides in the search for happiness. This book describes that in the most genius way. Heaven and hell are portrayed as being a place on earth, a place on us. I doubt that two people can read this book and tell you the same history, it is highly subjective you can take away from it whatever exists in your mind. My biggest takeaway was that hell and even are inside of us, by wishing for things you don't have you must go through war to achieve them, war is hell. By wishing for things that you already have (like seeing your friends on the weekend, talking to your grandparents, baking a cake) you find heaven. Heaven is in the simple, it is in the recognition that you were given more than what you could have asked for. Love is the realization of getting someone you wished for through passion, it is tedious, complete and beautiful. You can find content in love, and you no longer wish. That is what I read, but please don't let my blurry vision take you down a path. I am sure that if you read it your life and experiences would lead you to many different conclusions. This is a book that I would love to give to everyone I know and ask them what it is about. That is the beauty and geniality of Clarice. "Humility is much more than a feeling, it is reality seen with a minimum of good sense".
Jun 8, 2024

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seriously, what a beautiful thing. i just emerged from one, oh a warm fountain of clean water. it's a real luxury. and a nice oil or lotion and a facial moisturiser. clean pyjamas. what a rejuvenating and lovely thing.
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poetry by defintion is a vibes based genre. its not about gframmar or logic but getting the vibes/emtoiom out so just read a poem and if u get something without knowing every single word or understanding all the metaphors then the vibe is there
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