I spent a lot of time this past year contemplating moving out from my apartment that I share with my best friend. We have lived with each other since 2018, and have seen each other in every high and low and stuck together like glue regardless. However, over the past two years, we began to bicker a lot, stopped spending time with each other, and it just felt like there was too much resentment built up between us to continue living in the same space together. Long story short, we both ended up going through a lot of life changes and events in the last year. This all ended up putting things into perspective for the two of us.
One day, after a particularly tough series of unfortunate events in both of our personal lives, we sat down in the living room and finally opened up about all of the things that had been causing tension in our friendship. Both of us were crying the whole time, because it really sucks having to talk about each other's bad choices and shortfalls, but it was a necessary pain in the end. We both came out of the conversation feeling like a load had been taken off our shoulders. Everything that needed to be said had been put out in the open. We both went on through the following months doing our best to work on what we needed to, so that we could continue coexisting in the same space. With time, the resentment we held against the other faded, and we slowly became friends again. Putting in the work was well worth it.
Communication is incredibly important in every aspect of your life. It needs to be prioritized, regardless of how scary it is. We are all human, and all of us fall short. If you never bring up your concerns, you can't expect a person to ever change their behavior.