look up these words and figure out the best way to do it on your end. i was offline for years after a major addiction & it was the best thing I ever did for myself. I'm back now but I feel like I literally pressed "RESET" and I don't take it all so seriously anymore and actually crave being offline. The only way I was able to do this was about 2 months before I did so, I learned about this and did some research and was able to do it. The first month was hard but after that, it was addicting and liberating!! Other things that help: turn your phone on night mode at all time OR take it one step further and make it greyscale. Also look at WHY are you on the phone? Keep in mind, many companies and apps have paid people big money to answer that question and keep you on without even thinking about it. Figuring out your why and relationship with the device is a powerful thing you can do for yourself!! Also fall back in love with the things you love. I promise there are things offline (& this is coming from a major online digital girlie who's basically an indoor cat lol) that you can throw yourself into. Think about all the things you love or any of your future career goals based on your interests. Even if your goal is to grow on social media/online! You will need to hone in and nurture your hobbies anyways to do so!
Apr 30, 2024

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I know it sounds crazy, but trust me it's so good! All you need is radishes (sliced into however you want! or keep them whole, that's totally fine!), and just roll them into the butter or use a knife to spread it, and a sprinkle of sea salt, and enjoy! it's so simple, and the flavor and texture combo is out of this world good. delicious thinly sliced radishes with a knife on a mandolin (but be careful!!!) with proscuitto and parsley in a sandwich (or on a flatbread/cracker) as well Also check out Ploughman's lunches!! it's basically that exact vibe and I'm sure there's some inspo on pinterest!
Apr 25, 2024
one of my favorite journals is my cooking journal! I have one for each specific year and I write in it monthly, in real time. it consists of my grocery lists, farmers market lists, seasonal produce, meal plans for the week, recipe development (i also have a website i'm working on and a future goal is cookbooks so i'm always journaling this as I work on my recipes!!), meals I had out, dishes from cookbooks catching my eye, recipes i want to try... etc. really, everything food and cooking! it's more of a commonplace book of everything food related where I can develop and create recipes! it's fun to write the recipes out, and you have a place to make notes on what works, what didn't work, what to try, etc. Sometimes I even like to journal what playlists are going with the week - it's fun to see it along side all the cooking. it's always a fun look into the seasons too! You can also use it to keep track on recipes / traditions you want to remember!
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I can't tell you how much I love this app. It's a note taking app, but everytime you enter it, it creates a blank document. it makes it seamless to get thoughts out asap!!! It's super basic and bare bones, but having a blank digital document ready as soon as you click the app seriously makes all the difference! They automatically save and sync to your computer if you have the app on your desktop too, so it's easy to sort through and find things.
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