Long story short, don't stress yourself when it comes to quitting social media especially cold turkey but what you can do is that implicitly quit social media.
You might ask how is that even possible ? and why you need social media ?
what you can do is, create other accounts for your social media, a kind of "alter ego" social media where you can express your true self when it comes to what you wanna do and achieve as personal goals.
What i would do to achieve that :
1. log out or deactivate your actual accounts.
2. create the alter ego accounts
Now the important part is what follows :
3. Immerse yourself in your interest :
You wanna read more ? download ebook and use your phone as a digital book
You wanna sleep well ? make your phone GREY (activate the greyscale on your phone to make it boring - schedule it for the evening)
You wanna learn a new hobby ? here comes your alter ego social media, where you will use the algorithm for your own good, where you will search and interact only with what you are interested in !
You wanna avoid scrolling and walk more, work out more, etc.. ? use a permanent focus MODE where the home screen is empty and only have one of your music players, hide the rest of the apps, make that phone a digital music player only.
you want study tips ? use youtube for your benefits, and only use it in navigator mode, never the app.
slowly but surely you will start getting bored of your phone and then quitting the usage of that device will be more easy and relevant and soon you will find yourself barely touching it.
4. detaching from your phone : you will soon be picking a book rather than your ebooks because it's more healthy for your eyes, using your study tips with music in the background (here is where you will be using your phone as a music player only again) etc...