i love the early social internet. these take me back to when i had my first website in like 2007 (on piczo). i had a whole page dedicated to the collection and curation of icon graphics including these girlies.
i am so ready for them to make a comeback
In response to riotgrrrl and mouse dollz recs. There are a few active sites trying to revive the dollz community! Even a Discord where people are sharing resources and creating dollz for each other:
Please join for anyone reading this who misses dollz! 🧸
My friends’ sites 🩷
just took a glimpse at soho's website from their profile and wow it took me back,,,,,, i would rec giving it a glimpse it is so beautiful and makes me feel like being a little tween on the internet in a very beautiful way
another 90s time capsule website/niche resource website, this was my go-to as a kid because i was obsessed with all things tamagotchi... it has sooo much data and information—this person purchased like every tamagotchi model and logged and tracked everything that happened in each one daily and even made pixel gifs to illustrate what was happening on the screens. i live for witnessing this level of devotion!!!
as we all (pi fyi users) know, being into shit is cool.
i’ve been thinking about how in the early days of facebook rather than liking pages you would “become a fan” of them and i just love that verbage. so sweet and precious
As Perfectly Imperfect subscribers know, being into shit is cool. This was an early rec I made on the PI.FYI app, inspired by Facebook’s “like” feature formerly being called “become a fan” because I find the verbiage so sweet and so supportive. It’ll always be way cooler to be an embarrassing superfan than to have 0 interests.