Not all of them are French. I really follow anything I can see myself enjoying and have a capacity to understand.
I already did this with English , Spanish and Italian, in case you want to take a look.
Tout Simplement – Kurzgesagt: I know there's an English version of this channel. They mostly talk about science put into perspective through hypothetical situations with animation as a resource.
EnjoyPhoenix - Marie Lopez: her main channel is about things regarding commentary. She has a secondary channel where she vlogs her life and talks about her routine (useful if you don't have an advanced level of French). She also has a cooking channel that she no longer uploads in but still has tones of videos.
Another vlogger is Lena Situations as well as MILKYWAYSBLUEYES, Clara Victorya and Juste Zoé. Though Marie Lopez is arguably the most constant.
For lifestyle follow Vogue France, Not So Blonde (she has a series where she asks people in Paris where their clothes are from, what they have in their bags, etc. It's diverse and you get to listen to different accents. She puts subtitles in English) and BLING ! (They do documentaries about rich people and their lifestyle. This is their vlog).
For more commentary, there's SEB , amocide, L'Histoire nous le dira (history focused), Cyrus North (philosophy, mostly), Victoria Charlton (true-crime videos), Tentacule and Sylvqin.
In order to learn technique, I'd say stick to Francais avec Pierre.
For ASMR do Nefertiti ASMR.
If you want a ten minute summary of news around the world,
HugoDécrypte - Actus du jour is ideal.