I think we tend to romanticize letters a lot, and for good reason, but this often comes at the expense of devaluating emails so I just wanted to share my love for emailing. I send a lot of emails at work and I tend to enjoy it. I like how ridiculous office lingo is, I like designing my special signature at the end of my emails because it makes me feel creative and important. I like sending a long and thoughtful email to my friends or my professors in university, like you would do with a letter but without having to pay for stamps, wait forever for it to arrive, or having to worry if it will get lost. I also like that it’s not as instantaneous as texting, but just enough for it to feel timely. Also because it’s not suuuper instantaneous, it kinda feels more intimate, or like a rare pleasure. I like sending emails to my friends. Email pen-palls rock. Send more thoughtful emails :)
May 1, 2024

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