moving to chicago did not give me transplant syndrome like i fear new york would’ve, i love my city! i moved here when i was 18 and went to mcgees every weekend and now i am 21 and i go to delilah’s instead! im growing up
May 4, 2024

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It was really never a scary thing because I moved in with two of my closest friends from college and a lot of my other closest friends live in the city and have connected me with a lot of cool places and things and I’ve made a lot of new friends. I can walk to work in the mornings which rocks and everyday I spend time with some of my favorite people and when I get to reflect on it I realize how lucky I am.
Jan 3, 2025
It was a big risk, but I was just laid off from a job I hated and had a fresh breakup on top of that. I had decent prospects as far as potential jobs go, but I wanted to stay in “the city” and I felt like I hit a ceiling in San Francisco. Plus, I’d lived there nearly my entire life. Thus, I had a suspicion that if I couldn’t be happy in New York City, then I wouldn't be happy anywhere. That was a little over six years ago now and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. A LOT has happened here, and I’ve dealt with a ton of grief, but man, I love it here. I have a great job, made some real friends and community, and am living outwardly as my truest self. I’m sure I could’ve had this in SF if I tried, and I know that this lifestyle will change inevitably, but I love living in a place with an energy that emanates throughout the city.
Mar 6, 2024
i was so excited to move to DC until i visited for the first time this weekend. got my dream job and was so excited to try out a new place, but it’s not what i expected. i’m not concerned because living there is not long-term, but i will miss my favorite place in the world so dang much. nyc has a very special place in my lil heart
Apr 15, 2024

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