lay your neck over a foam roller on the ground. it should hit your neck at the top, by the base of the skull. and turn your head left and right slowly. youā€™ll feel some pressure points and pressing on it gives me some release! i did physical therapy for my chronic migraines/headaches for a few months and this is my favorite thing i learned there!
May 4, 2024

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Thank you Vic (my personal trainer) for this tip...if u roll into pressure points/wherever it hurts like hell on ur back, the lacrosse ball really gets in there to loosen up knots. Also ok on your neck if ur avoiding bone. Youā€™re welcome
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I think weā€™re all familiar with that nagging aching back pain from hunching over a laptop in the dark for hours on end. Other than massages which can get pricey and having a bathtub big enough to soak in, which is considered a privilege in this city, this is the next best method of keeping chronic back pain under control. I like to roll all the way down to my lower back and hold my legs straight up. Foam rolling and/or just lying on the floor instead of in bed or on the couch is my most preferred way of scrolling, whether itā€™s for doom or pleasure. Thereā€™s also levels of hardness you can move up once the smooth foam no longer hurts good enough. I think Iā€™m ready for an upgrade.
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Massage most of all FR... and YOGA/stretching everyday (you can even do yoga on youtube and search for back related stretches) - physical therapy (when I was in like 8th grade I had weird like extremely painful sharp shooting pains in my tailbone, maybe because of my slight scoliosis? Or extra vertebrae? I canā€™t remember- the exercises they gave me and things they did helped cure it eventually) - heating pad - foam roller - getting knots out with lacrosse ball - tiger balm - baths with epsom salt - I donā€™t do this but a massage therapist recommended sleeping with a pillow between your legs if you sleep on your side - trying to maintain good posture/alignment, I used to be a dancer so ballet/modern dance helps with alignment - chiropractor (not one that just cracks tf out of you so this requires research, but also just helps if you have some alignment issues but idk chiropracty is also not real science? - but it also has helped.)
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