i am so sorry! love is the sweetest thing! remind yourself the air you breathe in is not lost when you let it out!!! and you'll always breathe more back in. maybe sometime later you'll breathe in a puff of air you already inhaled before! such is love and its ever-present overflowing abundant nature. my advice is to start doing new things from now that don't involve him, try not to talk to him about them at all, and try not to think of him while doing it. like a new hobby, or frequenting a new coffee shop, or volunteering somewhere, etc. it's like branching out from your current norm, creating something new and independent of the relationship, that is untouched/un-'tainted' kinda. it's like opening a new tab or window mentally. or creating new files. by the time you move away, and are going through it, you'll want a portion of your life you can resort to that is fresh and separate from the Big Sad, no matter how small. sending u hugs
May 6, 2024

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