Renaissance fairs cost like $40 for admission. With that you get to spend all day with your buddies walking around a sort of ratchet medieval town. A mix of disney, Pirates of the Caribbean, and a nice dose of traveling methhead carny. I went to one a few weeks ago 40 minutes outside of LA. A couple beers on the drive over, a buzzball in the parking lot and some shooters in your pockets to avoid the taxed prices of drinks inside and you’re good to go. Have so much fun.
May 7, 2024

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Living in the city amongst broke 20-somethings for so long has made me forget about Big Ass TVs. But whenever you go to somebody's crib with a TV over 70 inches, you think “Wow, this is dope.”“It’s fine I'll just watch it on my laptop.”Trust me. It’s not.Pairs well with: Sport Betting
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