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May 8, 2024

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ok disclaimer i don’t date men but people in my life do lol and i have a gender studies/sociology degree :) i agree with a lot of what aidanaguirre said & i also think other things at play are: - a cultural reactionary backlash to social progress for women & increased criticism of toxic masculinity and misogyny. given the norm of male entitlement to women’s affection, women raising their standardsover the years (due to feminist rhetoric) has increased some men feeling frustrated or even “incels” bc it’s “harder” to find a female partner. you see it a lot in the “sigma male” podcast world and a resurgence of “traditional family” ideology right now; all anti-female empowerment - dating app/hookup culture - i think 1) apps force split-second judgement on if someone’s attractive, and 2) hookup culture can encourage a culture of “disposability” w people we date or hookup with. this reinforces patriarchal ideals to men, which can make it harder to unlearn. (women too but that’s less related to your specific ask) the latter issue effects every gender/sexuality, but i think it’s heightened in cis het/bi guys bc their relationship to women is heavily influenced by their socialization. i rec this a lot lol but the tragedy of heterosexuality is a good read if you’re interested in contemporary issues in hetero dating from a sociological and anecdotal standpoint. ellen lamont’s research/work is great. there’s also this interesting 2023 study on men
Jul 4, 2024
i studied sociology and the wonderful v interdisciplinary field of gender studies, here is a combo of my favorite papers + some of the most interesting (if not bizarre) ones. obv they are both heavy fields and i don’t remember exactly what is in each so just be warned there may be difficult topics mentioned! also i am just copy/pasting some of these from old bibliographies and syllabi lol but if you google them most have free PDFs online. i tried picking stuff related to culture but apologies if this is too long, i am a soc/gs nerd! articles: the REAL meaning and origin of the term “male gaze” (and why I get SO mad when women today misuse it instead of saying internalized misogyny): Laura Mulvey “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” 1989 Dana M Britton “The Epistemology of the Gendered Organization” 2000 Dick Hebdidge “Subculture: The Meaning of Style” 2011 (book) George Chauncey “Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World, 1890–1940” 1994 (book not article but super iconic / important) Dean Spade “Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics and the Limits of Law” 2011 (another book, v dense) Joan Acker (def check out her other work if you like this one, I love her stuff) “From Sex Roles to Gendered Institutions” 1992 Colin Kaepernick, Robin D. G. Kelley, and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (editors) ”Our History Has Always Been Contraband” 2023 (book about Black Studies comprised of essays/excerpts of theory and about history) Evan B Towle and Lynn M Morgan “Romancing the Transgender Native Rethinking the Use of the "Third Gender" Concept” 2002 WEB DuBois “The Souls of Black Folk” 1903 (more people should read this) J. E. Sumerau, Ryan T. Cragun, Lain A. B. Mathers ““I Found God in The Glory Hole”: The Moral Career of a Gay Christian” 2016 lol Patricia Hill Collins “TOWARD A NEW VISION: RACE, CLASS, AND GENDER AS CATEGORIES OF ANALYSIS AND CONNECTION” 1993 (sorry for all caps) Candace West and Don H. Zimmerman “Doing Gender” 1987 Laurel Westbrook and Kristen Schilt “Doing Gender, Determining Gender: Transgender People, Gender Panics, and the Maintenance of the Sex/Gender/Sexuality System” 2014 (MORE PEOPLE SHOULD READ THIS! it basically offers empirical evidence / explanation of of how transphobia actually perpetuates misogyny rather than simply “protecting women” or not) OlĂșfemi O. TĂĄĂ­wĂČ â€œElite Capture: How the Powerful Took Over Identity Politics“ 2022 (book) Cathy J Cohen “Punks, Bulldaggers, and Welfare Queens” 1997 Colin P Ashley “Gay Liberation: How a Once Radical Movement Got Married and Settled Down” 2015
Oct 15, 2024

Top Recs from @katya

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Its a satirical reality show hosted by Nathan — a partly fictional recent business graduate who comes up with the most out of pocket marketing strategies to help real business. In one of the episodes Nathan was trying to help this home-cleaning service and he thought if 1 maid takes 2 hours to clean a house and 2 maids take 1 hour then can 40 maids clean the house in 6 minutes?? Stupid or pure genius?? Doesn’t matter cause it worked 😭 - Reminds me of fleabag - Episodes filled with hilarious cringe comedy that expose how fucking awkward and absurd people are - Has some truly heart touching moments, shows real vulnerability, if you also feel like a weird awkward nerd, you’ll definitely relate to the shows host. In the later episodes Nathan also came up with schemes to become a better person (like creating a fake dating reality tv show to learn how to talk to women) and they're so profoundly absurd but beautiful I LOVE IT.
May 7, 2024
Saw someone post about swag academia and I am here to propose PUNK ACADEMIA as a mix of formal style, shirts, glasses, preppy sweaters, muted colors with grungy elements, spikes, layering and DIY, representing the combination of each community’s values. These two subcultures/ aesthetics bring out each others best parts imo, with punk approach making academia less about elitism and scores and more about pursuit of knowledge and thinking outside of the box! And academia bringing out the critical approach side of counter culture, giving meaning to rebellion and directing it in a productive way! This is already kind of the underlying values and aesthetic of activist movements, especially in the past, and we need to bring it back in style
Dec 21, 2024
Lookup military sleep technique on YouTube. Works every time.
Dec 21, 2024