i have a couple of different things i like to do: 1. reflect on the day through the senses - make a chart of things you saw, ate, smelled, touched, etc. 2. write/brain dump immediately you wake up, aka “morning pages” i tend to write a lot about my dreams from the night before and i remember them better 3. i feel like i journaled more when i let myself write in word bubbles, doodle, free association, etc. 4. subscribe to moonlists.com really great reflective journal prompt email newsletter
May 10, 2024

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Linked :) Incredible list of prompts I would also recommend Lynda Barry’s daily diary four-square method (attached below) or any Lynda Barry… her book Syllabus is full of inspiration! As an on and off journaler, that’s the approach I’m able to stick with most consistently because I have a difficult time with narrative journaling but love making lists! It helps me to tune in and be present each day so I have something to write about. Can be helpful to set a timer for 5 minutes or a number of pages you want to write and just do stream of consciousness. Morning Pages is a method from the Artist’s Way and you write three pages every morning about anything but you have to fill three pages. And lastly, if you’re religious/spiritual at all, you might be interested in Two Way Prayer.
Apr 22, 2024
this is only a habit i have picked up in the last year, but it has made a world of difference. i will write about things that i am thinking about or stuff i need to do or just chronicle my day. i just find it very grounding or like a reset to my thought processes.
Nov 25, 2024
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instead i keep a notebook in my bag and write down anything that strikes me as interesting: something funny a prof said, a lyric and why i like it, an interesting dream, a recurrent thought i've had for a few days... helped me a lot more than journaling and i make it fun by diversifying it, which the journaling format lacks kinda? i mean, doing sketches and planning website pages and writing down thoughts abt a book i just finished and making editing decisions blablaboablabla ANYTHING U EVER THINK OF! that helped me uncover patterns and common themes in my life way more than journaling but ig it does amount to the same concept 😓

Top Recs from @jamiestudie

for this inquiry, type the song into this site and it’ll pull songs that are in a similar key/have similar BPM. i do it with any song i enjoy and it’s lovely :)
May 10, 2024