this is only a habit i have picked up in the last year, but it has made a world of difference. i will write about things that i am thinking about or stuff i need to do or just chronicle my day. i just find it very grounding or like a reset to my thought processes.
Nov 25, 2024

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this is one of the most healing and stress reducing habits i have. basically when your worries are swirling nonstop in your head... just write them down in your special book and then close it and put it somewhere out of sight! u will feel a huge weight lifted just having your thoughts in the form of words somewhere external! it is so therapeutic to spend time with the words/thoughts and give them form as well as a place to be. personally i only journal when i really need to and try not to force myself into a regimen because then i wont do it lol. i rely on this practice very much and it really helps me!! β™₯
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