(1) Variety cowgirl mug — just a nice illustration, nothing crazy. The mug is really weighty and reminds me of diner mugs. Hey jennie peep their merch from 5(?) years ago. (2) Hasami porcelain mug — this is a nerd purchase, I ask for one every year for secret Santa and it’s been 3 years straight of getting these beauties. Sort of a pain to wash but worth the effort. The texture alone is a reward in itself. (3) Quiet Mountain Cafe mug — printed on dinex mugs which are usually reserved for hospitals / summer camps, it’s very nostalgic. But the cool thing here is that this mug was releasing and I was so excited to support a local brand and it turns out my wife went into labor that morning!!! I messaged them and asked if there was any way he’d hold a set for me and he did. By the time we got back home the mug had arrived and it was my first cup of coffee as a dad. Will always cherish this mug.
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May 10, 2024

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i have a shit load of coffee mugs mostly random tourist ones. sometimes the weird designs on them are so charming. or maybe it's just a nice typeface advertising a historic cafe i already have too many t shirts so this is the next best thing. maybe i’ll make that perfectly imperfect mug i’ve always wanted
Nov 18, 2023
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May 12, 2024
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My favorite mug <3 I have used this mug every day for years! I first got the one on the right super on sale at renegade craft fair and became obsessed with it. Last year, I put some way too hot water in it and the porcelain cracked so it is no longer usable. :( I ordered a new one (and it is a bit bigger and thicker than my old one!) and I am now using the old one to hold all of my pens, etc. It is the perfect size and shape and has the perfect handle too. Franca is a local Brooklyn-based ceramic studio. Some of their other designs are really cool, would rec checking them out! And I noticed they’re having 20% off right now for mother’s day🫢
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