I won the brown cow mug in a contest where you had to collect yogurt container lids. For that brief time, I was quite addicted to brown cow yogurt, but mostly just wanted this mug. Even though it's a little chipped now, I still love it for my java indulgences. For non-Matcha teas, I often choose this mug I got from Minx Factory in Barcelona. I am a huge fan of theirs. I had a pastel mug previously but it broke when I moved back to Columbus from Chicago.
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May 12, 2024

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My favorite mug <3 I have used this mug every day for years! I first got the one on the right super on sale at renegade craft fair and became obsessed with it. Last year, I put some way too hot water in it and the porcelain cracked so it is no longer usable. :( I ordered a new one (and it is a bit bigger and thicker than my old one!) and I am now using the old one to hold all of my pens, etc. It is the perfect size and shape and has the perfect handle too. Franca is a local Brooklyn-based ceramic studio. Some of their other designs are really cool, would rec checking them out! And I noticed they’re having 20% off right now for mother’s day🫢
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