My dad is a runner and mug collector so he probably got it at some road race in the 80s but the graphic and color combo is simple and for some reason I’m drawn to it. Enjoy this picture of it with a cup of joe, 2 slices of banana bread with peanut butter, 8 green grapes, and a glass of OJ.
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May 10, 2024

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(1) Variety cowgirl mug — just a nice illustration, nothing crazy. The mug is really weighty and reminds me of diner mugs. Hey jennie peep their merch from 5(?) years ago. (2) Hasami porcelain mug — this is a nerd purchase, I ask for one every year for secret Santa and it’s been 3 years straight of getting these beauties. Sort of a pain to wash but worth the effort. The texture alone is a reward in itself. (3) Quiet Mountain Cafe mug — printed on dinex mugs which are usually reserved for hospitals / summer camps, it’s very nostalgic. But the cool thing here is that this mug was releasing and I was so excited to support a local brand and it turns out my wife went into labor that morning!!! I messaged them and asked if there was any way he’d hold a set for me and he did. By the time we got back home the mug had arrived and it was my first cup of coffee as a dad. Will always cherish this mug.
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At a weekend away with friends and we’re at a place with identical all-white mugs and people keep losing track of whose is whose. Collect funky/colorful/souvenir mugs! I like finding cool mugs at the thrift store. Or getting one to remember a trip. They’re practical and fun
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Nov 18, 2023

Top Recs from @buck_mcgraw

Its a web app that people submit 1 song per week and then everyone gets to vote on the all the different songs but their own. After all the rounds have been completed, the person with the most votes wins! Its a fun way to share music with people and get competitive. Been using this app with other online communities and friends for a few months and have really been enjoying it. NOTE: I created a PI.FYI League where the first submission is this friday. I limited it to 25 people for now not sure if I should open that up to more but it would be pretty overwhelming to have more than 25 songs to listen and vote on. The join link is attached to this rec!
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riotgrrrl and I are planning on going to Jonathan Richman at the bell house 3/10 if anyone else is interested, drinks beforehand at Halyards. Hope people can make it out!
Feb 29, 2024