this is one of the greatest movies ever made it has elements of a ton of other genres but I would say it is still very very funny also after watching it rewatch it with the criterion commentary because it is genuinely unbelievable how it was made and how everything about it came to be
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May 10, 2024

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This is truly the most fun a movie has ever been I think Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is my favorite Tarantino but this is honestly a close second It’s just so insane all the way through and near the end there’s one of the most incredible stunts that I’ve ever seen, the ending is also truly unbelievable Everyone is doing such a good job too especially Rosario Dawson and Kurt Russell On letterboxd I think this is Tarantinos least popular movie out of the 9 main ones so PLEASE watch it if you haven’t
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Peaches, plums, nectarines, cherries, etc. It’s mind blowing that something so nice can be naturally occurring Just beautiful fruits (look at these plums) and just so delicious even when they’re not technically in season I could (and do) eat five peaches a day Also peach cobbler! Haven’t heard of it but need to try plum cobbler I feel like that’d be crazy
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