Top shelf: two inhalers, a lip balm, ear drops and some bobby pins on a little ceramic plate, Book of Absence by Mahmoud Darwish, a Sylvanian cat baby, a half drank glass of water, 3 scented candles, a relaxing linen spray, a SAD lamp, a Nick Cave signed polaroid, a vase with a branch of fake pomegranates in it, a tiny bowl with a crystal and a novelty lighter in it, a bottle of cuticle oil.
Middle shelf: Google assistant, another scented candle, sunrise lamp, two magazines (an art one and a Wired one), a tub of Lush Sleepy body cream, three Anaïs Nin books, Book of All Loves, a Bridgerton book, So Sad Today by Melissa Broder, thermometer.
Bottom shelf: lots more books, box of tissues, box of electrical chargers, iPad (always dead)