not pictured is a bedside table with piles of books
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Jul 6, 2024

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Top shelf: two inhalers, a lip balm, ear drops and some bobby pins on a little ceramic plate, Book of Absence by Mahmoud Darwish, a Sylvanian cat baby, a half drank glass of water, 3 scented candles, a relaxing linen spray, a SAD lamp, a Nick Cave signed polaroid, a vase with a branch of fake pomegranates in it, a tiny bowl with a crystal and a novelty lighter in it, a bottle of cuticle oil. Middle shelf: Google assistant, another scented candle, sunrise lamp, two magazines (an art one and a Wired one), a tub of Lush Sleepy body cream, three Anaïs Nin books, Book of All Loves, a Bridgerton book, So Sad Today by Melissa Broder, thermometer. Bottom shelf: lots more books, box of tissues, box of electrical chargers, iPad (always dead)
May 11, 2024

Top Recs from @gpcdiamond

why do we have so much stuff, why is it so hard to clean all this stuff, why are we so excited to get new stuff, and why does stuff say so much about who we are
Nov 15, 2024
I was just thinking of this recently, of how oversaturated the internet feels. There’s too many platforms, content, and ads being shoved down our throats. I don’t know where the internet is headed but I feel like there is a growing general sentiment of fatigue.We’re also discovering ways to combat this fatigue, like lessening our screentime or simplifying our use of the internet (like this platform.) I would love to see this general sentiment dictate where the internet goes instead of the internet telling us what to consume.
Nov 16, 2024