Inexpensive and fun to flip through. Eccentric interior decor, feels very UK farmstead / rich countrysife - lots of fun colours and patterns
May 11, 2024

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I love seeing how other people style and decorate their homes around the world and get inspiration for my own! Just not in the section where they recommend $2k products 😌
Aug 25, 2024
I’m not sure about the exterior - maybe an old apartment in Paris or NYC, maybe a traditional little house in coastal Italy, maybe something else entirely. Inside, to sum it up, eclectic. Furniture and decorations I’ll have gathered over the years, the best things will have a story behind them. There’ll be books in every single room, and somewhere to actually sit and read them. While I’m at it, same goes for music, record players or a radio or an instrument in every room. Stationary and arty stuff everywhere, too, I’d like to be able to create as soon as the mood hits. Also, a really nice tv with shelves near it that will hold an extensive DVD collection - physical media everywhere! Pictures on every wall, regardless of if they have any sort of relevance to each other, just whatever I think is cool. Plates and mugs and cutlery and stuff will all be mismatched, the only common theme being “I think it’s cute”. Plants everywhere. Warm lighting, preferably mostly ambient. Plenty of blankets and cushions and rugs (all the floors will be wood or tile, no carpet). Some sort of cool feature, like a balcony, or maybe a window seat. Oh my god, the things I’d do to have a balcony!! Completely maximalist, but in a balanced way - cozy, not overwhelming. Nice windows, also. The vibe is teenage girl meets chic grandma, but also the kind of thing my friends would see and say “omg that’s SO you!!”
Jan 26, 2025

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Context: i am feeling reflective after running a race yesterday and finishing slower than i had hoped. Putting in work to achieve a desired outcome, but coming up a bit short... you still worked hard and made a valiant effort! Go you!! You went for it and, all things considered, probably did a great job objectively; everyone else is likely in awe & wildly impressed by [insert achievement here]. We are our own worst critics. But we are also our greatest cheerleaders. Keep working hard and setting goals - and remember that a goal you set is just a goal that you set!! Hashtag character building
Mar 4, 2024
recommendation image
the first run in new sneakers is always crappy. Terrible. Twist my ankle a dozen times, feel like im on stilts, barely have any control. But the second run?! I feel like i am invincible! running at the speed of light!! Even though after the run i check and my pace was totally flat 🤬🤬but still, i feel so much better when getting into new shoes, run efforts feel so much easier. My new asics novablast 3s arrived earlier this week and yes i know they are butt ugly but this model is my favourite and its the only colour they had in my size on sale. Just look at the cushion on those puppies!!
Apr 3, 2024