my ex and i had a really intense romantic and creative connection. we made each other feel safe enough to share our naivety and expression. we created a lot together in a variety of mediums like movement, clay, drawings, paintings, and writing. throughout the first few months dating her i wrote poems about her, how i felt, and some cherished memories we had together. i collected those poems in a mini zine that i made tiny illustrations for which matched the imagery and metaphors i used. it was the first time anyone had ever written poems about her - i think she really liked it. even though we arenā€™t together anymore, i really cherish that i made her feel held so warmly. humans deserve that kindness.
May 14, 2024

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Iā€™ve had periods where Iā€™ve really struggled with this too. Before I give my rec, I want to emphasize that I think we all experience cycles in our behavior where we ā€œmake progressā€ (whatever that means for you!) and then we donā€™t - and thatā€™s really okay. I would start by figuring out if your body is physically okay. Lethargy/fatigue is a biological response to a lot of different things and it may be the result of unexpected health stuff! So donā€™t discount a doctorā€™s visit. But mental health/stress really contributes to this for me, and it is often the biggest thing that breaks my healthy routines. This is where the loop comes in: healthy routines combat stress, but stress breaks up healthy routines. So that first day you start the healthy routine cycle is really important! For me healthy routines start with good sleep hygiene. If youā€™ve been rotting in bed a lot and your sleep cycle is screwed, re-establishing that may be difficult. I would recommend supplementing your body with physical movement - preferably something rigorous (for your level) but also gives you joy!! No boring gym time - do whatever gives you endorphins. Consistent activity is really key for your body to not fall into a doom loop. And lastly, do the things you need to do to combat your stress. Set yourself up so that you feel you are taking meaningful steps towards progress. Start with the small stuff and donā€™t discount them!!! Often the small tasks are the ones that break us because they seem innumerable (for me itā€™s always been folding laundry). But just remember, every small thing you do is progress and that will build your momentum. I believe in ya! You have the power to change this, slowly but surely.
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.+ fun + cute + quirky. iā€™ll share the names and you guess the types of music: 12 am party playtime 2 am art haus 3 am open haus 4 am trance and transformation 6 am sundrops and sadness 6 pm cigars and salsa 7 pm fruits loops and grass 10 pm the motherland calls 11 pm baja blast to the past im only now seeing that i have no playlists themed for daylight. iā€™ll work on it
May 14, 2024