very impressively shot and mysterious film altogether. i loved every second of it, very insane for a documentary, almost bordering on unreal. very inspiring in terms of diy scenes and diy work ethics.
saw it on sunday and im still thinking about it multiple times a day; a dissociative psychedelic suburban nightmare that is also incredibly focused in its delivery of a very important message. made me so incredibly emotional. really unique cinematography as well and i love how the soundtrack is like an alternate-universe 90s teen movie soundtrack made by contemporary artists.
watched this last night and it blew my mind. just 80 minutes of pure adrenaline. feels like it was edited by somebody on mdma and acid at the same time in the best way possible. the soundtrack goes so hard too
i love this city man. always a pleasure to be here as the incredibly limiting aspects of my hometown, winnipeg, definitely are solved and recognized here.