watched this last night and it blew my mind. just 80 minutes of pure adrenaline. feels like it was edited by somebody on mdma and acid at the same time in the best way possible. the soundtrack goes so hard too
saw it on sunday and im still thinking about it multiple times a day; a dissociative psychedelic suburban nightmare that is also incredibly focused in its delivery of a very important message. made me so incredibly emotional. really unique cinematography as well and i love how the soundtrack is like an alternate-universe 90s teen movie soundtrack made by contemporary artists.
i was in rough shape this morning so i took a page out of his book by smoking a joint with some spicy noodles and a coke. would recommend doing this it definitely helps soothe the hangxiety and self loathing.
side note i love little plastic stools like the one in this pic so much sitting on them always makes me feel so cool idk why
i had a collection of mubi notebooks. they publish them twice a year. it’s a great read if you’re interested in film. unfortunately they’re all gone now because of the eaton fire but hopefully ill be able to buy the old ones online somewhere.