“Time passes whether or not you want it to, and whether or not you think about it. But understanding it may make better sense of how you live in it. You’re embedded in time and that means you have to deal with change, accept the past and make the best of the future. It is only from this embedded perspective that your life can make sense, so we had better hope that the embedded perspective isn’t misguided, or pointless, simply because it is a perspective.”
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I'm trying, with some success, to view it via the eternalism/spotlight theories. My consciousness is here out of a multitude of worldlines, and I'm deciding which, if any, of my other established worldlines to bounce to. If I meditate hard enough, I'll break out of my consciousness's linear restriction and be able to bounce to anyone's worldline and become truly free.
May 15, 2024

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this isnt supposed to be something too deep lol, just something i sort of believe. i just think linear time is only how we perceive it but everything is happening at the same time, i.e. time is not a straight line but a point and everything is happening within that point. past, present, and future coexist. whatever you are going to do or however you are going to change is happening simultaneously. buuut, that doesnt mean that you can just not go and make decisions because of the way that we perceive time. we live in the present only, meaning we have to make the most out of our time here (without throwing caution to the wind too much). idk i do sort of find comfort in this, that its all going to work out but you still have to be the one to make it all work out. :)
Dec 28, 2024
“It doesn’t matter what time it is. Think in months. Years. Someone loves you. Where are you going? There are some things you will never do. It doesn’t matter. There is no rush. Be the best prisoner you can be.”
Oct 12, 2024
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going through some similar motions and this measely tiktok comment unironically did like +1000 healing to my psyche. really, the key is to remember you can only do so much at once. overexerting yourself will make you too tired to consume the fruits of your labor. they will rot and/or you will not enjoy them this way. find happiness in the little, fleeting moments you’re able to foster for yourself and bite off only what you can chew. besides, you want to make sure not to do things in haste. you want a solid foundation for future you and your contentment and don’t want to find any cracks in it later down the line…
Sep 24, 2024

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Greatest discovery of my life honestly.
Turns out when people love you, they want to support and listen to you. Revolutionary! Give it a go!
May 15, 2024
They’re my favorite ever!! So much that I usually try to get lemon or pomegranate flavored or scented things (shampoo, chewing gums, etc). I’d love to have a basket FULL OF THEM
We don’t appreciate him enough man. If only my skills in finding information was as good as his… the Human Serviette deserves more attention and recognition…😔✊ doot doola doot doo