Don’t get me wrong, I love travel and I’m game to befriend everyone, but i was clearly made for home and mountains and books and isolation, none of which I found in Florida. I’m looking forward to spending time with my family man. It’s a small life after all.
May 16, 2024

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it's so nice to come back to the comfort and familiarity of where i came from. it was so hard to be here for a long time but now that I've gone away and changed its really good to come back.
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I think it’s the best part of the trip itself
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i went frolicking for two weeks in Copenhagen, Berlin, etc with some friends who live there and while the bonding was magnifique, and the dancingdrugsenergy unlike anything America could begin to offer, i can't adequately express the elation felt on the journey home. tasting California summer produce, driving my gas guzzler around town, snuggling into my own bed, spending quality time with my friends and family, dropping back into a life i'm so proud to have built over the past few years... nothing beats it. i'm so happy to be home and so grateful i'm no longer frantic to escape it. maybe it sometimes takes time away to appreciate the grass can be green wherever you plant your feet <33 (also i haven't been posting on here bc the app refuses to work on my phone... help??)
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I wish I knew for sure, but making anything helps with the static of not knowing who you are or what you’re doing. a peach pie from scratch. An impromptu jam session with aby instrument, even if it’s just your voice. A quick sketch outside. A photograph. A little stupid air clay sculpture. just make things, that’s why we’re here.
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I was a major Starkid fan back in the day, and when video call lessons were affordable, I took one from Jeff Blim, one of the songwriters and actors of the company. To me, Jeff was exactly the mixture of chaotic and talented that I wanted to be. outside of his characters though, he’s actually a really chill teacher. The most important thing I took from that was how to be a character no matter my personal emotional state, which I still use today. I guess sometimes we forget the people we idolize are also just people, and sometimes that sucks, and other times that changes the course of your life. This was one of the life changing times.
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someone put the vhs in for me at age five and it got stuck in my memory for life. scout finch was a character i heavily related to, and I got so lost in the story that I easily could play the movie in my head when I was younger. Also the plot, the music, the vibe of childhood, the twists— amazing. couldn’t ask for a better Peck film.
May 4, 2024