Clubs don’t end after high school and/or college. Join local clubs that match your interests. I joined a local rec center tennis team, snowboarding in the winter, go ride biking trails. A lot of my activities I go to solo but so do so many other people. I’ve met so many wonderful people this way. Just be open to meeting and talking to new people! Also, volunteering! I know two friends personally who are in long-term relationships with people they met this way. I haven’t been looking to date but you easily could meet your other half by being more involved in your community.
May 16, 2024

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Ooooo, great advice
May 16, 2024

Related Recs

I moved to a new city during covid and times were tough here for a while, but this is what worked for me: - befriending your coworkers (sometimes they’re really cool and will become your bff, most of them time they’re fine to occasionally hang w) -being a regular at a coffee shop, bar, or concert/show venue (hit up the familiar faces and they’re likely to introduce you to their crew as well) -bumble bff (kind of the worst but also fun- I met a few of my close friends on here who then introduced me to their friend groups. Mostly great interactions but be weary of some ppl trying to use it as a sly dating tool) -get involved in the community! i host a book club and I play soccer on a local rec team. I’ve met so many people that I would’ve probably never encountered otherwise through Bookclub- don’t be afraid of multigenerational friendships! With soccer, I’ve met such a diverse crowd and it’s encouraged me to attempt to learn Spanish. It’s nice to be able to get a group of ppl together and play/practice when you all have a night free, or go and watch a game! If you’re sporty, you can also invite your new sporty pals out for runs, hikes, or other workout type activities!
Aug 20, 2024
a coffee shop, running club, pottery class, karaoke night etc. Whatever thing ur into. Go to places where you can do that thing regularly. Eventally and usually pretty organically you will begin to make friends with people. People who you probably have alot in common with because you already have a shared interest. Yay! I moved to a new state about a year ago knowing no one. I joined an improv class and now I have a whole network of people that I never expected to know. From that network you'll meet other people and so and so on.
Feb 3, 2025
it’s weird, but my mom has told me about this senior bingo night that she’s started going to. she looks forward to it and tells me how fun it is to hang out with them. i feel like joining a chess club or knitting circle or fucking bridge group would have been so fun as a younger person. it doesn’t really matter the age of the people as long as you’re embraced and cherished in some way. is there any forum for you to look for local clubs? also the gym. also volunteering???? it’s actually the best kept secret that folks who volunteer are compulsorily interesting. but western society is so individualist, i understand entirely that it can feel like beside school, there’s no place for you in the world. i truly hope you find somewhere that people appreciate your presence.
Sep 28, 2024

Top Recs from @4saint

My fav thing to do when I go clubbing and/or bar hopping is to create alter versions of me. one moment I’m a dentist the next i’m a stay at home with twins and it my first night out since they were born 😭 it’s fun, entertaining, and better when you get your friends in on it. Who’s gonna call me out? No one 🫶🏾 (I also do light research to really commit)
May 17, 2024
Remember you got to be: 1. hot. 2. sexy. 3. slutty. 4. alluring. Go workout, put the fits together, start budgeting for nights out, stock up on sunscreen, and take your vitamins!
May 17, 2024
recommendation image
Avoid platform shoes that have no arch. Like the picture below, platforms that are flat across that are over 2 inches get uncomfortable QUICK! Not only that, but the only way to walk is to stomp full-foot-down at a time instead of walking heel-toe, heel-toe like you would in normal shoes/sneaks/heels. And sometimes they begin to lift at the toe seam (or back heel seam, depending on how you walk). If you’re going for higher platform shoes, make sure they have some sort of arch support or something.
May 16, 2024