a coffee shop, running club, pottery class, karaoke night etc. Whatever thing ur into. Go to places where you can do that thing regularly. Eventally and usually pretty organically you will begin to make friends with people. People who you probably have alot in common with because you already have a shared interest. Yay! I moved to a new state about a year ago knowing no one. I joined an improv class and now I have a whole network of people that I never expected to know. From that network you'll meet other people and so and so on.
Feb 3, 2025

Comments (4)

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A stalker/killer wrote this lol!
Feb 3, 2025
chrrywne wut.... I feel like this is pretty standard advice for meeting new people?
Feb 3, 2025
buscemibabe this is normal, standard advice
Feb 3, 2025
thank you so much!
Feb 3, 2025

Related Recs

if there is a simple method to making friends it is seeing the same people at the same place(s) week after week. in some phases of life this is easier; ex, freshman year of college dorm. in other phases of life it is more difficult. regardless, you have interests. other people have those interests. find people with those interests, that are fun, and also have space in their life for new people. do the interest together at some sort of location. then, invite the various people you've met over for a dinner party. voila- friends. this isn't always a quick process, and it will likely be often frustrating and disappointing. its worth it though. the internet can help facilitate with meeting similar people who are open to friends. specific things that have worked for me: going out dancing/club scene, internet(reddit/twitter), friends of friends, seeing movies, having people over for dinner. good luck!
It gets harder to meet new people as you get older, especially if you aren’t in a super social work environment. The dating apps can sometimes hit but the amount of effort it takes can be exhausting, so I’d say have it as just one part of a collection of things you’re doing to make connections. Finding a community of people who are also into the same creative endeavor has always gotten consistent results for me. I saw you’re into making zines, so participating in a zine fair could be fun. You could also check out the 8-Ball Community which has a publishing initiative — I think they‘re pretty welcoming if you’re looking to volunteer / get involved. But yeah, showing up semi-regularly to the same places and becoming familiar is a key. I moved to Portland Oregon for a year back in 2009 and didn’t know a single person which was super hard. I ended up just hanging out at this parking lot with a bunch of food trucks and got to talking with some of the other kids that hung out and worked there. Eventually I got invited out to some of their parties and by the end of the year was part of their crew. Took a while tho! Also, it tends to start with just one friend. And if that person accepts you, then everyone else they’re friends with will too. And then you can hang with the other people and keep branching out. It’s a practice, one that develops over a lifetime.
Mar 18, 2024
u gotta just show up at the same places consistently. if someone sees u at a place long enough they'll either end up talking to u or u'll talk to them by virtue of just occupying the space. this can apply to almost anything so like the gym, dance classes, art studios, cafes, bars, clubs, book clubs, town hall meetings, etc personally, ive been going to the same rock climbing gym and even though i suck at it (and im really really bad at it) ive met a couple of rlly cool ppl from there. but yeah its much easier said than done, bc life can get in the way of that consistency. but if u rlly try at it i think u can meet some cool folks.
Mar 16, 2024

Top Recs from @buscemibabe

getting juuuuust a lil bit silly but not drunk and then walking home yum yum yum no next day ruminating, no hangover, just having a chill time with some friends and going home 👌
Feb 3, 2025
neal.fun - a bunch of bizarre games/interactives with a dystopian and anti-caplitalist bent window-swap - shows you the view from random windows from around the world radio/garden - you can listen to live radio stations from all across the world ytch.xyz - show you random youtube channels and let's you click through like you're watching an old television marginalia-search - a search engine that isn't algorithmic, shows you niche search results that would typically be pushed to the bottom of other engines thecreativeindependent - articles by creatives, very simplified retro design that feels similar to this site The Magazine Rack at Archive.org - tons and tons of scanned and archived magazines spanning over 50 years - recommend checking out High Times very fun and oh so 70's
Jan 14, 2025