If you love someone you say it. Right there, out loud. Otherwise the moment just passes you by. The lighting changes, theyr faces, the I love you choked on their throat. And then moment is gone.
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May 18, 2024

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I love love. I love when my friends get engaged and there's the ring and the announcement and everyone is so happy and excited and there's all of the lead up parties and the letters and invitations and the preparations and the nervousness and planning and then the day comes and everyone is all dressed up and they come together to celebrate love and the people that they love and there's tears and marriage and beauty and champagne and photos and little bite sized appetizers and a gorgeous meal and toasts and dancing and beers and love and fun. I love love. (Congrats Jennie & Ty)
Nov 9, 2023
If you're gonna get married, you gotta have skin in the game. None of this "the couple shared their vows privately before the ceremony" BS. it's supposed to be scary! it's supposed to be vulnerable! it's supposed to bring all the people you invited into your relationship, if only for a moment! and even though i've never gotten married, i've got to imagine that you would feel incredibly close to your partner after both baring your hearts and souls before a room full of people. what a thing to do together! plus, as a wedding attendee, the reception is always way more fun when everyone's got serotonin coursing through their brains from watching you say really beautiful stuff. a far more important aspect of a good wedding than the hors d'oeurves.
Jan 26, 2024

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