I have next to zero knowledge in philosophy but it was interesting to see I had a spread across all the options. I’ll be spending the rest of my afternoon reading about what their philosophies were. Also, first time hearing about “Hume” the philosopher.
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May 19, 2024

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i could see this, though i was kind of hoping i would get more Nietzche "A great scientist and a great philosopher, Kant aimed to fuse the writings of Newton with the philosophy of his day. For Kant, the human mind contains the faculties that appear to us to be woven into the physical universe (such as quantity, causality, totality existence, etc.). These faculties interact with reality as it exists in itself, creating a synthesis that appears to us as “objectively true” while being, in fact, only true according to the synthesis between the rational categories of the human mind and the raw “stuff” of reality which is unknowable to us in its unsynthesized form. Kant was also a notable thinker in the domain of ethics, where he developed the rules-based approach to ethics and summed up his teaching in the categorical imperative: An action can only be ethical if it can be followed as a general principle by all members of society, in all similar situations"
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My fav thing to do when I go clubbing and/or bar hopping is to create alter versions of me. one moment I’m a dentist the next i’m a stay at home with twins and it my first night out since they were born 😭 it’s fun, entertaining, and better when you get your friends in on it. Who’s gonna call me out? No one 🫶🏾 (I also do light research to really commit)
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Remember you got to be: 1. hot. 2. sexy. 3. slutty. 4. alluring. Go workout, put the fits together, start budgeting for nights out, stock up on sunscreen, and take your vitamins!
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Avoid platform shoes that have no arch. Like the picture below, platforms that are flat across that are over 2 inches get uncomfortable QUICK! Not only that, but the only way to walk is to stomp full-foot-down at a time instead of walking heel-toe, heel-toe like you would in normal shoes/sneaks/heels. And sometimes they begin to lift at the toe seam (or back heel seam, depending on how you walk). If you’re going for higher platform shoes, make sure they have some sort of arch support or something.
May 16, 2024