I sat out in the sun this morning, my skin was perfectly warm and I forgot how hot my hair could be.
It felt nice to sit in the quiet and feel different parts of my body getting warm and then cool again.
there’s something about sitting under a naked, uncovered window that fulfills me. i think maybe it’s how the light streams through and hits my face and warms my hands my back my eyelashes. or maybe it’s how the room changes tint— white blankets and cream carpets doused in soft yellow. i don’t really know but it’s nice especially if you’ve been cold and alone for a little, finally finding company in the sun’s careful fingers.
on your own timeline, you’re surrounded by people that are all there for the same thing if you need something to small talk about, easier to get tickets sometimes too. really gives me a thrill lol small venue, stadium, anywhere!
going to try really hard to not say “I feel that [insert statement or thought or criticism]“.
Because whatever follows is not a feeling, and feelings should be described as feelings! it’s a different language set than statements or fleeting thought.
i Feel [emotion]
I think that [statement/thought]